Hilary Williams, who works primarily through performance and moving image, will perform
White Form, Passing Through Space, an understated piece of live art which stems from a body of work dealing with the sense of self. While language and texts normally play a central role in Williams' work, this piece moves silently through the exhibition space, interacts subtly with objects and persons in it's path.
Passing Through Space is also the title of Williams' upcoming solo show.
It's 6 PM according to the CERYS clock hanging on the wall, and a cloud formed before me. On the ground, it keeps moving and changing. It's soft and gentle and fluid and ever changing and exchanging energies and dying and resting and it envelops me and then leaves me be. I am static and rigid and the cloud moves around me, like nature around a mountain. The repetitive soundtrack of another installation echoes in the background as the cloud moves away, covers itself, camouflages itself, explores its space, leaves a trail behind it, reflects upon itself, is nothing else, just a cloud, a piece of fluff, soft, cotton, woolly, light.